I cannot believe that Christmas is getting closer by the day. By the time you know it, it is Christmas Eve.

This snowman is made with an empty bottle of Startbucks Frapuccino. I started using a glue line on the middle of the body and attaching pieces of a glittery branch for the snowmans hands. You can also use a glue gun to attach the branch pieces. Then I dabbed some Aleene Glitter Snow all over the bottle. Used an extra dabbing of snow to attached the gift and the Christmas tree. Set the bottle to the side until the snow hardens. Meanwhile cut a piece of felt, 12x3/4 inches, frey the ends to make the scarf. For the head you can either use a styrofoam ball or a Christmas ball. For this project I didn't have the right size of styrofoam ball so I used the Christmas ball instead. I once more dabbed the snow all over the ball and set it aside to dry. I proceeded to make the hat out of black foam, ribbon around the hat and a decorative piece. Once the body and head were completely dried, I placed some black studs for the eyes, foam carrot for the nose, foam circles for the mouth and buttons going down the body.
Here is the link to the ones I got inspiration from.
Have a warm cozy night everyone.